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Video & slides from KMGN Research Group meeting #5 – Bruce Boyes

Antecedents, moderators, and mediators in cross-domain knowledge integration and knowledge co-creation for sustainable development

The video from KMGN Research Group meeting #5 of 17 August 2023 can be viewed above or on the KMGN YouTube Channel. At the meeting, Bruce Boyes presented on his PhD topic, which is “Antecedents, moderators, and mediators in cross-domain knowledge integration and knowledge co-creation for sustainable development.” The presentation slides, which include links to reference information, are also available for download.

Bruce’s presentation focused on the paper1 “‘We have a dream’: proposing decolonization of knowledge as a sixth generation of knowledge management for sustainable development” which is the first paper in a newly published Special Issue of Knowledge Management for Development (KM4D) Journal. Information on the Special Issue can be found on the KM4D Journal LinkedIn page.


  1. Boyes, B., Cummings, S., Habtemariam, F. T., & Kemboi, G. (2023). ‘We have a dream’: proposing decolonization of knowledge as a sixth generation of knowledge management for sustainable development. Knowledge Management for Development Journal17(1/2), 17-41.
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KM Global Network (KMGN)

The Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN) is a not-for-profit community founded in 2014. It is composed of a network of national communities for knowledge management practitioners.

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