KM in international developmentSystems & complexity

New Knowledge for Development Partnership (K4DP) invites participation in local events

This article is part of an ongoing series of articles on KM in international development.

In a previous article, we introduced the Agenda Knowledge for Development, which is designed to complement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were ratified by the member states of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2015. The Agenda Knowledge for Development provides an integrated approach to knowledge-related challenges that directly influence the achievement of the SDGs, and includes 13 Knowledge Development Goals.

RealKM’s Bruce Boyes has also recommended that the UN System recognise and support the Agenda Knowledge for Development, as part of an article advocating for improved KM in the UN System, and discussed an example of how knowledge management (KM) can support the SDGs. This is the Mapping Educational Specialist knowHow (MESH) initiative, which aims to bring the benefits of KM to the achievement of SDG 4 Quality Education.

The organisation responsible for developing the Agenda Knowledge for Development is the Knowledge for Development Partnership (K4DP), which was established last year:

The mission of K4DP is the global advancement of peaceful, wealthy, sustainable and inclusive knowledge societies and to foster global knowledge partnerships for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and successfully implementing the Agenda 2030.

It is our vision to be the world´s leading multi-stakeholder partnership in the field of knowledge for development in terms of competence, innovation, diversity, participation and impact on global and local level. K4DP shall be acknowledged by the UN, governments, regional bodies, cities, industry partners, academia, expert communities, and civil society.

The global Knowledge Partnership shall be based on local Knowledge Partnerships in Cities and Regions to be globally connected and locally grounded.

The new K4DP website will be expanded over time, and an online discussion group has also been established. A fourth edition of the Agenda Knowledge for Development will also be published shortly.

Please support the local Knowledge Partnerships events

From this month through until the end of the year, K4DP is convening a series of events in various countries to progress the establishment of local Knowledge Partnerships. The events are being facilitated in partnership with

K4DP welcomes your participation in these events, and is also encouraging everyone to spread the word. To find out more, please visit K4DP News.

Header image source: Agenda Knowledge for Development, which is published under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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