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2024 Midwest KM Symposium (US) – Call for knowledge engagers, leaders, visionaries, & innovators

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the open call to the 10th Midwest KM Symposium, which will take place on 6-7 June 2024 at the Kent State University at Stark, Ohio, United States. This will be a hybrid experience.

To express interest, please open and complete the following form. The deadline for submissions is 26 February 2024.

Volunteers are also sought to assist with various aspects of the forum – if you’d like to help out, please open and complete the second form below.

1. Call for knowledge engagers, leaders, visionaries, and innovators:

Midwest KM Symposium 2024 Call for Knowledge Engagers, Leaders, Visionaries, and Innovators

2. Call for volunteers:

Midwest KM Symposium Volunteer Form

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Edwin K. Morris

Edwin K. Morris is the president and founder of Pioneer Knowledge Services which produces the educational program, Because You Need To Know. It is part of the mission to educate and bring awareness around knowledge management and nonprofit concerns.

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