Systems & complexity
From networks to systems of influence: The role of emergence in change
How can people turn a common cause and vision of what’s possible into change? Can networks and communities of practice…
Insights into the science of complexity
The science of complexity conveys a view of the world as dynamic, richly interdependent and full of variety.
Crashes, blackouts and climate tipping points: how can we tell when a system is close to the edge?
New research predicts when noisy systems are approaching precarious “critical points” – and finds that some parts of the brain…
Competencies for systems thinking practitioners. Part 2: Skills and behaviours
A systems thinking practitioner should have these skills and behavioural attributes.
Competencies for systems thinking practitioners. Part 1: Overall expectations and knowledge
What systems thinking practitioners should be able to, and the five areas of knowledge they require.
The Strategic Choice Approach in shaping public policies
How to work together to move rapidly towards commitments to action or to changes of policy on difficult issues of…
Para problemas complejos, intervenciones sistémicas: el Proceso de Diseño de Intervención
El Proceso de Diseño de Intervención (PDI) es un enfoque no lineal que integra diferentes modelos, métodos, técnicas y herramientas…
Systemic interventions for complex problems: The Intervention Design Process
The Intervention Design Process (IDP) is a non-linear approach that integrates different models, methods, techniques, and tools in a set…
How measuring impact gets in the way of real world change
Although the idea of measuring impact is seductive, almost all useful social change is achieved as part of a complex…
Key systems thinking lessons from Donella Meadows
The book “Thinking In Systems: A Primer” by Donella (Dana) Meadows (2008) offers a useful entry point into systems thinking…