knowledge economy
Artificial intelligence
Will AI make managing knowledge more or less important?
With AI now able to make decisions for us, we don't need knowledge any more, right? Or people for that…
ABCs of KM
Putting knowledge at the heart of our development strategy
Knowledge is at the heart of any societal development and if knowledge is managed in a strategic, targeted, and integrated…
Brain power
The Knowledge City Index: Sydney takes top spot but Canberra punches above its weight
The changing nature of work means the knowledge capabilities of cities are more important than ever. Here's what the new…
Systems & complexity
The determinants of knowledge-based economy development at a national level
A recent paper conducts a systematic literature review to learn from advanced economy practices in knowledge-based economy development.
In the news
Quality of Library and Information Training and Educational Programs: The Way Map Toward Accreditation
23rd Annual Conference & Exhibition of the Special Libraries Association Arabian Gulf Chapter (SLA/AGC).
ABCs of KM
The knowledge economy revolution [EKM series]
The challenges of improving the utilization, transfer and creation of knowledge in organizations in the knowledge economy directly inspire the…