Decolonising knowledge by empowering the margins
This article is part of a series of articles on decolonising KM.
In the above episode of The Know Show Podcast, Dr Romina Istratii explores important aspects of the decolonisation of knowledge, including the historical dominance of western science, English language, and Anglophone publishing standards in academic knowledge production. The podcast is also available on Apple Music and Spotify.
Dr Romina Istratii is the co-founder of Decolonial Subversions, a radically innovative multilingual, open access, peer-reviewed platform for the expression of historically silenced knowledge systems. You can keep up to date with the work of Decolonial Subversions by following @_decolonise on Twitter.
The Know Show Podcast is helping to make academic research accessible to everyone by changing the way academic research is shared. Podcast guests are world experts in their fields, and the widest possible range of fields are covered. The podcast discussions highlight how research findings apply to everyday life.
Also published on Medium.