KM4Dev Knowledge Café 25 – From knowledge injustice to knowledge justice: the role of KM4Dev
Thursday 28 July 2022 (main session) and Friday 29 July 2022 (short session)
This is KM4Dev’s 25th interactive monthly knowledge café, which is building on past cafés on uncomfortable truths in development. It will take place in two sessions to ensure access to the café from different parts of the world:
Thursday 28 July 2022
3:00pm to 4:30pm Central European Summer Time (CEST) (UTC+02:00)
Short session:
Friday 29 July 2022
10:00am to 10:30am Central European Summer Time (CEST) (UTC+02:00)
(The link to enter either or both of the sessions is the same, you only need to register once)
Main session – 28 July
Gladys Kemboi and Sarah Cummings will be the speakers, and will be sharing current perspectives on knowledge-related (also called epistemic) justice. Instead of the common focus on understanding the multitude of epistemic injustices, Gladys and Sarah will share an exciting, brand new perspective on knowledge-related justice which can help us in our efforts to counteract injustices in international development, such as not listening to communities and marginalizing local and knowledge. Many of these approaches are already part of our work as KM4Dev practitioners but this exciting new perspective will show how we can do more as individuals and as the KM4Dev community! Charles Dhewa will also be sharing his perspectives on indigenous African commerce, a vibrant phenomenon which has largely been ignored in development policy and research. The knowledge café will be facilitated by Jacob Loefdahl and Rocio Sanz.
Short session – 29 July
In a new innovation, there will also be a short session (30 minutes) the following day to provide a summary of discussions and perspectives for colleagues in Asia, Oceania, and Australia, for whom the timing of the main knowledge café is prohibitive. This session is being held in collaboration with RealKM Magazine.