Tools & methods
Infographics: “Did I Plagiarize?” and “Can I Use That Picture?”
Plagiarism can be defined as “The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own”. But exactly what actions constitute plagiarism, and are some types of plagiarism more serious than others?
On a related topic, which pictures can be used legally and ethically? In these days of the ready availability of a vast number of images on the internet, many people are using pictures inappropriately.
To help answer these questions, The Visual Communication Guy has produced two infographics: Did I Plagiarize? and Can I Use That Picture?
Also published on Medium.
Hello! I’d love to use these graphics and buy posters for my room if they are available for purchase. However, I find something amusing and ironic; maybe I’m not looking in the right place, but I see social media buttons and a print button below but no statement of how to cite this source or if there is specific permission to use it. Serious English teacher battling to win the good fight here! Karen
Hi Karen. thank you for your enquiry. The two graphics have been produced by the Visual Communications Guy, and are available on his website as a free download – the link to his site is in the text above. Poster prints of both graphics can be purchased by following the link to his “VCG Shop” from his website. It would be best to ask him directly about any specific use requirements. He has produced teaching and student resources for some of his other graphics, so he may be interested in doing so for these two as well.