Artificial intelligence
ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare. If you’ve ever posted online, you ought to be concerned
ChatGPT is fuelled by our intimate online histories, but users have no way of knowing which of their data it…
Analysis & counterpoints
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 2.1): Insights for today from the historical origins of modern copyright
Can we once again find the advantages for learning among the play of scholarly publishing commercial interests, knowing that this…
In the news
Publishers pursue ResearchGate over copyright infringements
Instead of opposing the open publication of papers, publishers can become supporters or even advocates of the open access model.
In the news
News updates: UNESCO MILCLICKS, Marrakesh Treaty, E-book lending
UNESCO MILCLICKS media and information literacy initiative; Marrakesh Treaty now in force; E-books can be lent by EU libraries.
Do the hyperlinks on your website constitute a copyright infringement?
A new hyperlink copyright ruling in the European Court of Justice is causing significant concern.
Tools & methods
Infographics: “Did I Plagiarize?” and “Can I Use That Picture?”
Two infographics from "The Visual Communication Guy".
Libraries and digital content copyright: Extending the first sale doctrine
A new working paper proposes that copyright issues in regard to access to and the lending of digital content be…
In the news
Divided views on Australia’s proposed copyright law reforms
Two Australian Government inquiries have proposed significant reforms to Australian copyright laws. Who is for and against the proposed changes,…