In the news
Seven big new things in knowledge management
What do you know about the seven big new things in KM?
Evidence summaries from ScienceForWork and GetFacts
Complementing RealKM Magazine and The Conversation, two further resources for evidence-based management information are ScienceForWork and GetFacts.
The implications of cloud services on the sovereignty of countries
While it may not seem an issue of conventional interest to knowledge management, the ability of countries to set rules…
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R.I.P. Mike Beedle, business agility visionary
A great way to honour Mike's legacy is by considering how you could apply agile approaches in your company or…
In 2018, RealKM Connect is going online
The RealKM Connect program is changing.
New knowledge management books (January 2018)
The books are (1) Knowledge Productivity in the Public Sector: Enhancing the knowledge work to improve effectiveness, and (2) Navigating…
Brain-Computer Interface-Based Communication in the Completely Locked-In State
Patients in the completely locked-in state are completely paralyzed, making communication impossible. Can brain-computer interface overcome this?
Buying time promotes happiness
Could allocating discretionary income to buy free time reduce the negative effects of the modern time famine, thereby promoting well-being?