Join us in Arthur Shelley’s recognition of service
Hello everyone. The Melbourne KMLF group has seem a few amazing KMers retire this year with years of service and volunteering to see our discipline grow. One in particular will be quite familiar to you all, Dr Arthur Shelley. Involved at local, national and global levels, Arthur has published important books, tools and insights, mentored many students and practitioners and been an amazing supporter of RealKM Magazine. This December at our end of year meeting we are planning to honour him and present him with a plaque of recognition and thanks.
If you would like to contribute a few dollars toward the plaque, please use this link. All excess proceeds will be donated to RealKM. If you would like to share a personal story about Arthur please leave a comment below or message me and I will read some of them out on the night. Arthur has never really sought the limelight, happy to help others. Thanks for helping us celebrate his career in a fitting manner!
Arthur as been an inspiration friend to all of us at KM society Singapore and a personal mentor. His patience and passion is an inspiration to all KMers. His ideas reach out to all and he personifies knowledge sharing. I wish you fair winds and following seas my friend!
Thank you Rajesh. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with the Singapore KMers. Hmm… For about 20 years! Time flies!
Arthur Shelly has this warm welcoming personality, who accepts you for who you are. From him I learnt the importance of Community building and Collaboration / Networks in creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture! His books especially Knowledge Succession is my ‘bible’ / Go to reference book, that I dived into regularly when actively heading the KM function. I wish him a happy and contented future – secure in the knowledge that his style will live on in the many persons whom he has mentored and influenced – One of them being me!
Thank you Rudy,
The beautiful thing about the international knowledge profession is that we all support, help and mentor each other. We are a genuine co-creative and collaborative community. In my experience, the more I give/contribute, the more mutual value is generated. We synergise (and energise) each other!
Arthur is a man who puts his (and our) humanity at the centre of his knowledge management practice and thinking. Tremendous charisma, great hair, and a contagiously positive and generous spirit.
Thank you Patrick,
I remember first meeting you all those years ago in Singapore as our parallel paths towards making a difference through facilitating knowledge conversations converged. Ironically this convergence generated a (positive) “Big Bang” as our ideas triggered new insights and connected more people. Right now (today/tomorrow) I am finalising a review of your book, which is quite a KM masterpiece full of insights and wisdom. Thank you for all the contributions you have made and for the explorative conversations we have shared over the past 20 years.
Arthur’s contributions have been so broad and varied that I suspect nobody except Arthur knows the full impact of them. While being a walking example of the principles of KM, he is also involved in projects like his local community paper where these principles get put to use. It has been a privilege being mentored and supported by him through my career.
Thank you Stu,
I fondly remember asking you for a lift home from KMLF in your early days of membership (and how you virtually run the forum by leading the team). I could easily have caught the train, but preferred to chat about the research you were doing as part of your Masters in KM at the time. Mentoring is always a two-way beneficial relationship. Each party gets a different benefit, and the best relationships sustain because both parties consider they are receiving more than they give. I don’t think we ever stop caring about making a contribution to community, we just do it in different ways in different times of our lives. I am really enjoying seeing the delight on the faces of the primary and high school students who win writing awards through local (volunteer) community paper: https://bbcn.org.au/young-writers/
I came across this post during my usual browse of this great publication. I was a little surprised, although pleasantly to read the beautiful comments share by those I admire and respect. We do what we do, leading, sharing, mentoring, writing, facilitating etc) because we have a passion for making a difference for others in our communities. There is never any one individual who alone achieves greatness – our achievements are generated because we engage with each other in “Collaborative Conversation Spirals” (Becoming Adaptable) with others passionate about generating mutual value. With apologies to Sir Isaac Newton (“If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants”.) – KMers adapt insights to reapply them to new contexts…
When we achieve great outcomes, it is because we have collaborated with the minds and actions of giants.
It’s fantastic to see the attention that this post has brought, but not at all surprising for someone held in such esteemed regard by the global KM community. For RealKM, our appreciation is immense – there aren’t enough superlatives in the English language to be able to properly express how we feel. Arthur, without your years of generous financial support, there is absolutely no way RealKM Cooperative and RealKM Magazine would be what they are today. Absolutely no way! Thank you so much! We wish you very well in your well-deserved formal retirement, and very much look forward to our partnership evolving in new and interesting directions!