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A huge thank you goes to our very first RealKM Magazine patrons, following the launch of our Patreon campaign!
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Since its establishment a little over two-and-a-half years ago, RealKM Magazine has cemented a vital role in the international KM landscape, becoming a key go-to resource for KM practitioners and the managers and leaders of organisations.
This infographic highlights our growing value to the KM and broader organisational management communities:
Our more than 700 articles includes:
- Special series, for example:
- KM standard – ISO 30401 knowledge management systems
- Thinking is hard from Buster Benson
- Change hacks from Lena Ross
- Taking knowledge management to the next level from Amanda Surrey
- Systems thinking and modelling from Scott Fortmann-Roe and Gene Bellinger
- Feature articles on thought-provoking topics, for example:
- Implementing KM standard ISO 30401: risks and opportunities
- KM standard controversy: lessons from the environment sector in regard to open, inclusive, participatory processes
- The disastrous effects of opinion-based decisions, and how knowledge management can be better evidence-based
- US indicts Russians for fake news “information warfare”: can knowledge management help the fight?
- Improving knowledge management in the United Nations System
- Appropriate consideration of cultural differences in knowledge management
- MESH international knowledge management system for teachers
- Actionable knowledge for climate progress
- What YOU can do about fake news
- Is “nudge management” the new scientific management approach?
- Editorial: Do lobby groups and political parties stage fake front group campaigns?
- False news might not be fake news, but the Washington Post still has a problem
- How the media is going to be, and has been, Trumped
- Libraries as innovation incubators
- Open access trends in 2017: the good, the bad, and the irony
- Many knowledge management researchers aren’t practicing what the profession preaches
- Are the claims of “psycho automation” in regard to Qantas flight QF72 justified?
- Articles discussing the findings of recent KM research, with a few examples from the many being:
- How open plan offices strangle collaboration
- What does knowledge management mean for the future of libraries and librarians?
- New report explores the skills of the future
- How sharing knowledge can help your career
- How best to communicate in diverse teams
- Challenges and practices for effective knowledge transfer in globally distributed teams
- Paper explores the movement of knowledge throughout the EU
- Best practices for implementing a knowledge management system in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
- Does introversion hinder tacit knowledge sharing?
- How structured information can diminish creativity
- How can knowledge management be better applied in academic libraries?
- The future of knowledge management research
- How employees leaving can help us to innovate
- Is the use of social network sites in the workplace really a negative?
- Can a business excellence framework shape knowledge management and contribute to innovation performance?
- The potential for strengths-based performance conversations in HR management
- Are team building events great or awful?
Our most popular article, David Williams’ “Components of a knowledge management system”, has now been viewed more than 13,000 times.
As Stephen Bounds discusses in our Patreon video, by becoming our patron, you can help us to publish even more high-quality articles like these.
From just $1/month upwards, you can support our work to highlight the best evidence-based research on knowledge management.
Also published on Medium.