Featured stories

    19 Sep 2024

    The creation of learning organizations and knowledge management

    Let's use the SECI model to analyze the five disciplines proposed by Peter Senge.
    11 Sep 2024

    An initial exploration of multigenerational teams from the perspective of knowledge management

    Distinguishing features of the four generations of workers from a KM perspective, and issues in managing multigenerational work teams.
    11 Sep 2024

    The AI Risk Repository: A comprehensive database of risks from AI systems

    The AI Risk Repository should become an essential tool and reference for the KM community as it moves forward with…
    11 Sep 2024

    Stories change people, abstract ideas don’t

    A five-step roadmap to build narrative-based strategies that work:
    5 Sep 2024

    Which theories help us to understand knowledge hiding?

    Theories for understanding knowledge hiding, conceptualisations of knowledge hiding, and dominating assumptions underpinning knowledge hiding research.

    From the archive

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