If you’re not evidence-based, what are you?
This article is part of an ongoing series of articles on evidence-based knowledge management.
Here in RealKM Magazine we’ve been advising that better evidence-based practice is vital for the future of knowledge management (KM).
But if you don’t practice in an evidence-based way, what are the alternatives?
Professor Rob Briner, Scientific Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa), has put forward a list of suggestions based on the parody “Seven alternatives to evidence based medicine” published in the BMJ by Westmead Hospital clinicians David Isaacs and Dominic Fitzgerald1.
Briner’s list is:
- Eminence-based management (seniority, HiPPO2)
- Vehemence-based management (loud, brow-beating)
- Eloquence-based management (sharp-suited, silver tongued)
- Obedience-based management (because I say so, just freakin’ do it)
- Resemblance-based management (doing what others do)
- Defence-based management (the safest option)
- Indolence-based management (whatever takes least effort)
- Haste-based management (whatever is fastest)
- Indulgence-based management (the most fun thing)
- Reverence-based management (doing what is the most truly awesome)
Article source: Rob Briner on Twitter.
Header image source: Adapted from Evidence Based by Nick Youngson on Alpha Stock Images which is licenced by CC BY-SA 3.0.
References and notes:
Also published on Medium.