Systems & complexity

Knowledge Futures / Future Knowledges

This video, which was co-created with Holly Nguyen, explores the macro-environment for knowledge work in the present, and in the decades to come.

The video was shown as part of my keynote presentation to the Knowledge Management Singapore 2018 (KMSG18) conference in August 2018.

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Dr Juergen Rudolph

A passionate educationist, I have more than 20 years of Higher Education Teaching experience as well as substantial Training and Facilitation experience. My current focus areas are Knowledge Management, International Management and Entrepreneurship as well as thesis supervision. I have four postgraduate degrees: MA & PhD qualifications from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany); an MBA from the University of Louisville (Kentucky, USA); and an M.Ed. from University of Adelaide (Australia). I also hold a Specialist Diploma in Applied Learning and Teaching from Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. I have also attended the "University of Hard Knocks" and was a recipient of the Spirit of Enterprise award in 2005, awarded to 40 outstanding entrepreneurs by then-President of Singapore, SR Nathan. I have started and successfully managed several businesses and I have been on the Board of Directors of several entities.

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