ABCs of KM
Introducing a unique, inspirational web platform connecting knowledges on the ocean – meet One Ocean Learn!
One Ocean Learn supports integrative, inclusive, and adaptive approaches to ocean knowledge and governance.
KM & SDGs initiative
Multi-Journal Editorial Project achieves unprecedented collective intervention
The KM4Dev-RealKM-K4DP KM & SDGs journal editorial action is inspired and informed by the health sector's Multi-Journal Editorial Project.
Arts & culture in KM
Thinking Like A Mountain – Towards a Council of All Beings [Arts & culture in KM part 11]
Experiencing relational thinking for sustainability transformations.
Decolonising knowledge & KM
The English language dominates global conservation science – which leaves 1 in 3 research papers virtually ignored
To have the best chance of halting Earth’s extinction crisis, we must harness the knowledge of people from around the…
Brain power
The vital knowledge missing from Australia’s bushfire crisis debates: Part 2 – The popular narrative and the unpopular scientific knowledge
The diverse views in regard to hazard reduction burning all have their foundation in a popular narrative, but the unpopular…