Brain power
Where behavioural biases STEM from
The STEM framework captures the four drivers of human behaviour – society, thoughts, emotions and motivation – and can be…
Brain power
What it takes to make society better
Large-scale social change is not just policy or behavior, but the emergence of a new self-reinforcing system that combines both.
Brain power
Uncertainty can diminish our decision making
We tend to deploy one of two strategies when we encounter uncertainty.
Artificial intelligence
AI can now learn to manipulate human behaviour
Researchers devised a systematic method of using an AI system to find and exploit vulnerabilities in the ways people make…
Brain power
Bridging the knowledge-behaviour gap in the communication of policies during COVID-19 and other emergencies
Three patterns emerged from research that could potentially mitigate knowledge-behaviour gaps and re-establish coherent and balanced communication to manage emergencies.
Because You Need to Know
Because You Need to Know – Dr. Arthur Shelley
A crisp perspective of how knowledge ecosystems future proof organizations, communities, and society overall. Leadership is not management - are…
Brain power
Is the theory of planned behaviour an accurate predictor of knowledge sharing behaviour?
A recent study carries out a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate if the theory of planned behaviour can reasonably…
Brain power
The Behavioral Evidence Hub
B-HUB bridges the gap between research and the real world by collecting and communicating evidence-based, behaviorally-informed solutions.
Brain power
Is “nudge management” the new scientific management approach?
A recent journal article isn't telling the full story.
Brain power
Is busyness another form of humblebragging?
A recent paper argues that time has become the latest status symbol, largely a result of the rise in knowledge…