Dr Eli Miron

Eli Miron has a PhD in Chemical Physics from Tel Aviv University, and worked for four decades at the Nuclear Research Center – Negev (NRCN). He was among the founders of the Laser Unit in the NRCN, with expertise in laser spectroscopy, laser development, and laser applications. He also spent about four years as a visiting scientist at Princeton University Department of Physics. In 1998, Eli established and managed the NRCN Technical Information and Knowledge Management Unit, and served as the Israeli liaison officer at the knowledge management (KM) section of the International Atomic Energy Agency. He is currently teaching KM courses since retiring in 2010, and serves as an external lecturer in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ben Gurion University of the Negev. He is a member of the experts' committee that wrote the Israeli KM standard, and a member of the experts' committee that wrote the ISO 30401 KM standard. He is also a board member of 3 NGOs: Homefront Shield - laser defense against rockets and missiles; Sustainable Negev – environmental issues; and TechSeniors – digital literacy for senior citizens.
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