KM4Dev Knowledge Cafè 23 – Writing (research) articles on KM and KM4Dev: tips and tricks
Thursday 28 April 2022, 12:00-1:30 pm Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Our seasoned speakers will be Srividya Harish on ‘Writing up experiences in practice’, Bruce Boyes on ‘Writing and publishing’, Prof. A. Senaji / Gladys Kemboi on ‘Theoretical frameworks’, and Sarah Cummings on ‘Types of contributions to KM4D Journal’. The event will be facilitated by Jacob Løfdahl & Gladys Kemboi.
Participation in this Knowledge Cafè is a great way to help prepare for the current call for papers for a Special Issue of Knowledge Management for Development Journal, which has the theme ‘Uncomfortable truths: approaches to the decolonization of knowledge from development practice, policy and research’.
Many of us are writing different types of articles, such as blogs, but would like to write articles in scientific journals too. In this session, we aim to give you some tips and tricks for writing scientific articles, specifically targeted at our own ‘Knowledge Management for Development Journal’ but also relevant to scientific journals. We will be giving pointers in plenary but will break into groups where you can discuss these different subjects. There will also be lots of space for Q&A.”
Join us, share your experiences and learn from other participants to improve the way you collaborate online.