Virtual session: How can we make sure our knowledge management is evidence-based?
Too much of knowledge management practice is ad hoc and improvised, and based on opinions, whether of management or of consultants or “gurus”. Management practice more generally suffers from this as well, but knowledge management has been slow to catch up with the growing recognition of the value of evidence-based practice.
In recognition of this, RealKM Magazine is a freely available and multi-award-winning web resource that has been established with the specific purpose of supporting the growth of evidence-based knowledge management.
In this exciting panel, the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) Singapore Chapter will be joined by the founders of, and regular contributors to, RealKM Magazine: Bruce Boyes, Stephen Bounds, and Charles Dhewa.
We’ll discuss a range of questions including:
- How can we make our own practice more evidence-based and less opinion-based?
- What counts as evidence in knowledge management?
- Does it make sense to speak of evidence-based practice when a great deal of knowledge use is an internal act, or not susceptible to direct observation?
- Are all opinions bad evidence? How do we know good evidence when we see it?
- How do we know when our practice is evidence-based?
- What discovery methods for needs analysis and decision-making work best in an evidence-based approach?
The virtual panel session is free of charge to anyone, but all participants must register in advance. For further information and registration, please visit the event page. Registered participants will be sent information about how to join the panel.