KM & SDGs initiative
Why a multiple knowledges approach is essential to the success of the UN Pact for the Future and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
A diverse array of knowledge must be part of decision-making if the SDGs are to be achieved.
KM & SDGs initiative
KM & SDGs Update #4: Pact for the Future released, phase 2 of RealKM-KM4Dev-K4DP initiative set to begin!
With the Pact for the Future now in place, the KM & SDGs initiative is now turning it's attention to…
KM & SDGs initiative
Renewed call for changes to Pact for the Future & Declaration on Future Generations ahead of UN Summit of the Future
Supporting the critical role of multiple knowledges and the decolonization of knowledge in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
KM & SDGs initiative
Update #2 of RealKM-KM4Dev-K4DP knowledge management & SDGs campaign (9 July 2024)
We urgently need multiple knowledges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
KM & SDGs initiative
MEDIA RELEASE: Ahead of the UN HLPF, leading international knowledge management (KM) organisations call for multiple knowledges in the SDGs
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will fail without a multiple knowledges approach.
Climate knowledge
Advancing climate change knowledge management
Two new initiatives: the UN Special Rapporteur call for for inputs in regard to access to information on climate change…
KM & SDGs initiative
PLEASE HELP the KM & SDGs campaign by joining an URGENT AND IMPORTANT easy letter writing action!
TIME IS RUNNING OUT to have further influence on the revised UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!
KM & SDGs initiative
Calling all knowledge champions: join our write-shop and contribute your vision to the Agenda Knowledge for Development
Wednesday 29 May 2024, 3:00-4:30pm CEST (UTC +2).
KM & SDGs initiative
Overview of RealKM-KM4Dev-K4DP knowledge management & SDGs campaign (update 6 May 2024)
An overview and 6 May 2024 update of the RealKM-KM4Dev-K4DP knowledge management & SDGs campaign.
KM & SDGs initiative
Landmark editorial published in knowledge management and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) campaign!
This landmark editorial is a primary action of the RealKM-KM4Dev-K4DP knowledge management (KM) and SDGs campaign.