Artificial intelligence
Is AI eroding our ability to think?
Our very identity and existence have been collapsed to the categories machines use to understand and predict our behavior.
Brain power
Research suggests that rationality is in decline
Over the last forty years there has been a general shift away from rationality and towards emotion.
Systems & complexity
Case studies in inappropriate responses in the face of complexity
Managers and leaders are partly responsible for management fads that aren't appropriate responses to complexity. But governments and research institutions…
Brain power
High conviction levels prevent us from updating our beliefs
A new study explores the cognitive and neural mechanisms that contribute to confirmation bias.
Brain power
How not to fall for coronavirus BS: avoid the 7 deadly sins of thought
Gullibility, cynicism, pride, closed mindedness, negligence and wishful thinking. If you can use any of these to describe your reasoning,…
Brain power
Cognitive bias sorting and resources
A guide on cognitive bias sorting ideas for psychologists and lay people.
Brain power
How to use critical thinking to spot false climate claims
Most of us lack the expertise to evaluate climate science, but there are ways anyone can spot a badly reasoned…
Analysis & counterpoints
Dirt [Thinking is hard series]
Our messed-up thinking about the cycle of life.
Analysis & counterpoints
A rational person’s 1-minute guide to why rational thinking often fails to persuade people [Thinking is hard series]
It becomes rational to revisit rationality as a method of persuasion, because it fails to produce results.
Analysis & counterpoints
Great zinger! [Thinking is hard series]
Do zingers move an argument towards resolution?