Arts & culture in KM
Echoes of knowledge – a poetic look at what knowledge management (KM) involves [Arts & culture in KM part 15]
When KM practitioners are asked "what is KM?" they often give dry disengaging technical responses. Let's take a different approach.
Tools & methods
Stories change people, abstract ideas don’t
A five-step roadmap to build narrative-based strategies that work:
ABCs of KM
Knowledge kaleidoscope: crafting narratives for connection
In knowledge management, stories can facilitate knowledge flow, including for data, which lacks the power to engage.
ABCs of KM
Facilitating narratives for knowledge co-production: A knowledge broker’s role
The knowledge broker’s role in facilitating narratives has two purposes: identity development, and facilitating narratives in transdisciplinary groups.
Giving language to the people: what is #NotMyDebt? (#NotMyDebt series part 1)
“There's this technical layer and there's this administrative layer and there's this impact layer.” How #NotMyDebt empowered the community with…
Brain power
The urgent need for media literacy in an age of annihilation
Everyone needs to learn to ask questions about what stories are told, and the implications of what stories are not…
Brain power
Are memories reliable? Expert explains how they change more than we realise
Even our most treasured memories can gradually change over time.
The knowledge management implications of the Trump vote
We need to radically change the way in which we work with the community: we need to listen to and…
Brain power
How stories converge when we share them
The way stories, and therefore our memories, shift as we begin to share them with others.
Brain power
Gaming our way to better public speaking
The new gaming app that aims to help your public speaking, and how you can use humour to make your…