Open access perspectives
Significant new developments in open access to research findings
Australia's world-first open access model and the refreshed Gates Foundation Open Access Policy.
Quality of science & its communication
Intellectual humility is a key ingredient for scientific progress
An intellectually humble person may have strong beliefs, but is also open to the valuable insights, ideas and evidence of…
Brain power
Innovation is increasingly a collaborative affair
Disruption in science continues, but the likelihood of any single scientist causing a major upheaval in their field is diminishing.
In the news
RealKM Magazine celebrates two million article views!
Thank you to our RealKM Patrons, the article authors, and our many readers for making this milestone possible.
In the know
In the know: More on growth mindset | The Center for Implementation | OpenAlex
In the know is a regular roundup of knowledge management (KM) items of interest.
ABCs of KM
The future of knowledge management: an agenda for research and practice
The current states of KM literature and KM practice, raising important issues that need to be taken into account for…
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 4.2): Preserving the past for the future – Whose past? Everyone’s future
Challenging current values and power structures to create a more inclusive record of knowledge creation and preservation.
In the news
Happy 7th anniversary RealKM Magazine!
A big 7th anniversary THANK YOU goes to our RealKM Patrons, authors, and collaborators!
Brain power
An algorithmic approach to identifying influential research
Citation network analysis to identify research communities can address the lack of inclusiveness and diversity in Google Scholar searches.