2016's top 100 journal articles
Statisticians respond to misuse and misinterpretation of “statistical significance” (p-values) in research
The American Statistical Association (ASA) has released a formal statement clarifying several widely agreed upon principles underlying the proper use…
Brain power
The natural selection of bad science
A new paper argues that incentives in science actively encourage, reward, and propagate poor research methods and abuse of statistical…
In the news
Pipeline project aims to improve reproducibility of scientific research
A new initiative called The Pipeline Project aims to help address the reproducibility crisis in science through the independent replication…
Psychology research in crisis
Psychology research is already facing a reproducibility crisis, and now new research led by Australia's Curtin University looks set to…
Brain power
Using prediction markets to verify research
A Harvard project is showing that prediction markets have potential in offering a quick and easy way of testing research…