Brain power
Need medicine in hospital? Our study finds how often IT flaws lead to the wrong drug or dose
Technology-related errors continue to be an issue for many years after electronic systems are implemented.
Arts & culture in KM
The relationship between science and art [Arts & culture in KM part 9]
Often seen as opposites, science and art both depend on observation and synthesis.
Artificial intelligence
Using AI to ensure drugs are safe for women
Adverse drug reactions are a leading cause of death. Women experience twice the risk of developing adverse reactions compared with…
Brain power
How machine learning can improve patient communication
Using machine learning enabled an understanding of how the effectiveness of outreach programs differed markedly across both time and patients.
2018’s top 100 journal articles
Man against machine: diagnostic performance of a deep learning convolutional neural network in comparison to 58 dermatologists [Top 100 journal articles of 2018]
Researchers found that artificial intelligence (AI) outperformed most dermatologists in melanoma detection, indicating that AI may be a useful tool…
Systems & complexity
Putting clinical evidence into practice
The medical sector faces significant challenges in rapidly incorporated new knowledge into practice. Can technology help?
2017’s top 100 journal articles
Brain-Computer Interface-Based Communication in the Completely Locked-In State
Patients in the completely locked-in state are completely paralyzed, making communication impossible. Can brain-computer interface overcome this?
2016's top 100 journal articles
A controversial view on data sharing [2016’s top 100 journal articles]
The editors of a medical journal sparked controversy by describing some researchers as "research parasites".