Systems & complexity
Insights into the science of complexity
The science of complexity conveys a view of the world as dynamic, richly interdependent and full of variety.
KM & SDGs initiative
Why a multiple knowledges approach is essential to the success of the UN Pact for the Future and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
A diverse array of knowledge must be part of decision-making if the SDGs are to be achieved.
Brain power
The role of frames and framing in communication and change
Frames are mental structures that shape the way we see the world. They shape our goals, plans, actions, and what…
Climate knowledge
It’s too hard to make business decisions in the face of climate uncertainty – here’s how ‘storylines’ could help
It’s important to produce complex, precise climate simulations, but we need to make sure businesses can actually understand and use…
Tools & methods
Structured dialogical design
How can groups reach consensus on complex issues, and what kind of process allows for meaningful community involvement?
KM & SDGs initiative
MEDIA RELEASE: Ahead of the UN HLPF, leading international knowledge management (KM) organisations call for multiple knowledges in the SDGs
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will fail without a multiple knowledges approach.
Systems & complexity
Competencies for systems thinking practitioners. Part 2: Skills and behaviours
A systems thinking practitioner should have these skills and behavioural attributes.
Systems & complexity
Competencies for systems thinking practitioners. Part 1: Overall expectations and knowledge
What systems thinking practitioners should be able to, and the five areas of knowledge they require.
Systems & complexity
The Strategic Choice Approach in shaping public policies
How to work together to move rapidly towards commitments to action or to changes of policy on difficult issues of…
Systems & complexity
Para problemas complejos, intervenciones sistémicas: el Proceso de Diseño de Intervención
El Proceso de Diseño de Intervención (PDI) es un enfoque no lineal que integra diferentes modelos, métodos, técnicas y herramientas…