ABCs of KM
Research on the inheritance and innovative strategy of Queshan Iron Fireworks Technique under the perspective of knowledge management
Strategy includes intangible cultural heritage archives, tacit knowledge explicitation, and technology.
ABCs of KM
Introducing knowledge management into archival work
Knowledge management can improve the accessibility, efficiency, and utilization of archives, if a number of obstacles are addressed.
In the know
In the know: Digital Preservation Toolkit for Community Archives | Better rewards for RealKM Patrons | KM Roundtable: KM Trends 2025
In the know is a regular roundup of knowledge management (KM) items of interest.
In the know
In the know: Congratulations Gladys Kemboi! | KMGN Global Knowledge Week 2024
In the know is a regular roundup of knowledge management (KM) items of interest.
KM & SDGs initiative
Libraries and Archives for Successful Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
KM4Dev, RealKM, & K4DP call for recognition of the importance of libraries and archives for sustainable development.
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 4.4): The dangers of open access archives
Archives traffic in sensitive, dangerous material, so István Rév argues that they cannot publicly reveal all their secrets.
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 4.3): Digital humanities and print-centered communications
Print-centered scholarly communication prevents migration to more open digital modes.
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 4.2): Preserving the past for the future – Whose past? Everyone’s future
Challenging current values and power structures to create a more inclusive record of knowledge creation and preservation.
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 4.1): Libraries, museums, and archives as speculative knowledge infrastructure
From Afrofuturist thinking, five spectra for designing enabling knowledge infrastructure.
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (section 4): Archives and preservation
The fourth section of the series turns its focus to archives and preservation.