Knowledge Management Experts in Africa: Paul Atsu – Ghana
Paul Atsu has contributed to the national knowledge agenda for Ghana within the agriculture space, and fights fake news and…
In the news
Call for Applications: Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) Challenge 2024 (Africa)
10 available slots for sponsorship or individual paid participation, deadline for registration is 8 April 2024.
Decolonising knowledge & KM
Communities are not always waiting for external knowledge
Contrary to most top-down extension approaches promoted in most African countries, communities are not always waiting for external knowledge.
KM in sustainable development
Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) knowledge management resources
FARA has produced and co-produced a range of downloadable knowledge management resources including a series of six policy briefs.
Decolonising knowledge & KM
Mass food markets – the Facebook of African food systems
Instead of focusing on a few value chains, African policy makers should use data and evidence from mass food markets…
Brain power
Why people oppose GMOs when the science says they are safe
There has been considerable public opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with many people believing they are unsafe to eat…