KM journal reviews
Journal review: International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)
RealKM is progressively reviewing journals for their knowledge management (KM) content, including articles and authors worthy of your attention.
Journal review: VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
RealKM is progressively reviewing journals for their knowledge management (KM) content, including articles and authors worthy of your attention.
Journal review: Common Knowledge
RealKM is progressively reviewing journals for their knowledge management (KM) content, including articles and authors worthy of your attention.
Journal review: Discourse & Communication
RealKM is progressively reviewing journals for their knowledge management (KM) content, including articles and authors worthy of your attention.
Journal review: Knowledge and Process Management
RealKM is progressively reviewing journals for their knowledge management (KM) content, including articles and authors worthy of your attention.
Journal review: Journal of Knowledge-Based Innovation in China (JKIC)
RealKM is progressively reviewing journals for their knowledge management (KM) content, including articles and authors worthy of your attention.
Journal review: International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS)
RealKM is progressively reviewing journals for their knowledge management (KM) content, including articles and authors worthy of your attention.