KM in small & medium enterprises (SMEs)
Integrating lean management principles within knowledge management processes in small enterprises
Strategies for integration and associated recommendations for implementation.
Factors influencing KMS adoption in SMEs, large, and government organizations
All organizations can potentially benefit from a knowledge management system (KMS), but have different capabilities and responsibilities.
Effective lessons learned capture for small & medium enterprises
Two key lesson capture tools can be effectively used by SMEs: storytelling through audio diaries, and debriefing.
A model for enterprise knowledge management after the COVID-19 crisis
A practical four-stage step-by-step model of KM for post COVID-19 crisis management, including preparation for future crises.
The pivotal role of the owner-manager in knowledge management in SMEs
A recently published doctoral thesis identifies three distinct factors that will determine how an SME owner-manager will influence KM in…
Adoption of knowledge management systems by small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
A recent study looked at the degree and process of adoption of knowledge management systems (KMSs) by SMEs, including the…
Best practices for implementing a knowledge management system in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
SMEs face a range of challenges when implementing a knowledge management system (KMS).
Factors affecting use of knowledge management practices among operational personnel in SMEs
A systematic literature review was conducted to better understand KM at the operational level within small and medium enterprises (SMEs)…
A taxonomy of small and medium enterprise (SME) strategies for using knowledge management systems
A new paper identifies a taxonomy of knowledge management systems (KMSs) used by SMEs, evaluates the intensity of their use,…
Absorptive capacity and knowledge management in small and medium enterprises
With the aim of filling the research gap in regard to the role of relationships in SME KM processes, a…