Ron Young

Ron Young is the founder of Knowledge Associates Cambridge Ltd, a knowledge asset management consulting and solutions company based at St Johns Innovation Centre, Cambridge U.K. He is acknowledged as a leading international expert and thought leader in strategic knowledge management and innovation. He specialises in knowledge driven results for organisations. He advised and assisted the UK DTI Innovation Unit in 1999 in the production of the UK Government White Paper ‘UK Competitiveness in the Knowledge Driven Economy’. He regularly provides keynote presentations and workshops at leading knowledge management & innovation conferences around the world. He has chaired for several years both the British Standards Institute (BSI) Knowledge Management Standards Committee and the European Knowledge Management Standards Committee. He is a visiting lecturer for international business administration and global knowledge economy programs. He runs regular Knowledge Asset Management master classes at King’s College Cambridge University, UK. He is an international consultant for the World Bank, Washington, USA. He is currently developing knowledge management strategies and systems, and advising and assisting major multi-national corporations, international UN agencies, national governments, military and professional institutions around the world. He was a lead consultant for the European Commission 2 Million euro ‘Know-Net’ project. He is joint author of the books ‘Knowledge Asset Management’ (Springer 2003) and ‘Upside Down Management’ (McGraw Hill Europe 1996), Knowledge Management: Facilitators Guide (Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, 2009), Knowledge Management: Case Studies for SME’s (APO, Tokyo, 2009), Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques (APO, Tokyo, 2010), and Knowledge Management for the Public Sector (APO, Tokyo 2012).
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