Paul J Corney

Paul J. Corney came to knowledge management while working in the City of London in the mid-1990s. He is the founder of knowledge et al, a UK-based KM consultancy and the former Managing Partner of Sparknow LLP. Paul is an experienced practitioner, presenter, masterclass leader and lecturer; he chairs international KM conferences, is a visiting lecturer on the knowledge and innovation management MBA at the University of Brighton. His latest books are: Navigating the Minefield: A Practical KM Companion published in May 2017 by the American Society for Quality co-authored with Patricia Eng and Knowledge Management Matters: Words of Wisdom from Leading Practitioners a co-authored book published February 2018. Paul is also a member of the British Standards Institute KM Standards committee working on the development of a set of ISO KM Standards to be published Q3 18. Paul also co-authored the highly acclaimed "KM Cookbook" and was President of CILIP and a founding member of the project team that devised their Chartered Knowledge Manager accreditation.
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