social media
ABCs of KM
Knowledge management In TikTok livestream selling
In the failure of a company, there is something to be learned about knowledge management.
Quality of science & its communication
Is big tech harming society? To find out, we need research – but it’s being manipulated by big tech itself
Big tech doesn’t just fund research into itself – it also controls researchers’ access to data. Even big tobacco didn’t…
Analysis & counterpoints
The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
In the early days the internet was a free, egalitarian space for anyone. Now, commercial interests rule – but users…
Brain power
The value of corporate thought leadership
Corporate, user, and employee-generated LinkedIn content have a significant impact on corporate opinion leadership.
What is knowledge management? A peek through the students lens
A series of student-led presentations on pivotal KM topics, 1 November 2023.
Brain power
Online communities undermine best scientific advice
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, parenting communities were already pedaling unofficial, and often bad, information among their members.
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 3.4): Open access, “publicity,” and democratic knowledge
John Holmwood argues that open access provides data to organizations that wish harm to universities.
Brain power
Do social media algorithms erode our ability to make decisions freely? The jury is out
Have you ever watched something because YouTube recommended it? You’ve probably been influenced by an algorithm. But underneath the algorithms…
Brain power
Report argues that censorship is not the answer to misinformation challenge
Scientific misinformation harms both individuals and society, but a report from the Royal Society argues that censorship is not the…
Brain power
How we inadvertently worsen online echo chambers
"Information cascades," in which individuals observe and adopt the behavior of others, allow the actions of a few individuals to…