KM4Dev Knowledge Café 37: Leveraging generative AI and knowledge for skills development, 7 August 2024, online
Lessons from a World Bank community manager and graduate student experiences in Africa.
Artificial intelligence
What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves
With increased AI automation, the risk of “skill erosion” is growing.
Brain power
Research shows how HR systems struggle to appreciate non-degree credentials
Skills-based recruitment is growing, but it can be difficult for HR and talent acquisition systems to recognize tacit knowledge credentials.
Brain power
Debunking the Dunning-Kruger effect – the least skilled people know how much they don’t know, but everyone thinks they are better than average
There are three reasons Dunning and Kruger’s analysis is misleading.
Brain power
Connecting work and education more effectively
Millions are out of work, but there's a shortage of workers. Research reveals a tenuous connection between education and employment.
Brain power
How can corporate upskilling be reimagined?
LinkedIn and Microsoft believe that for organizations to thrive, they need to move away from the traditional, credentials-based approach to…
Brain power
New game allows players to see how they might fare in the future of work
The game aims to prompt players to ponder what kind of knowledge and skills might be required in the future,…
COVID-19 coronavirus
Changes in job-related training since COVID-19
A report focused on the UK market reveals that not only has the frequency of training declined, but so too…
Brain power
Proximity to universities helps firms to improve
High-quality universities are sources of knowledge and talent, community anchors, and connecting hubs.