nudge theory
Nudge theory
Behavioural ‘experts’ quietly shaped robodebt’s most devilish details – and their work in government continues
Nudging was an aspect of the Australian Government's unlawful "robodebt" scheme.
In the know
In the know: Midwest KM Symposium Presentations | More behavioural science fraud | How growth mindset shrank
In the know is a regular roundup of knowledge management (KM) items of interest.
Nudge theory
Critical Eye: A response to “Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither”
Analyzing the claims made in a recent article on nudge theory published in The Conversation.
Nudge theory
Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither
A group of researchers argues that current nudge controversies suggest widespread misunderstanding about nudges.
Nudge theory
Is this finally the end of the road for nudge theory?
A recent meta-analysis was seen as heralding good news for the effectiveness of nudge theory. But did it really?