knowledge management systems
ABCs of KM
The survival strategy: elevating startup success through knowledge management
Reflecting on my practical experience alongside scholarly research, it is clear that KM is instrumental in startup success.
ABCs of KM
Factors influencing KMS adoption in SMEs, large, and government organizations
All organizations can potentially benefit from a knowledge management system (KMS), but have different capabilities and responsibilities.
Brain power
How sharing knowledge can help your career
There’s abundant evidence showing how sharing knowledge benefits organisations. But recent research shows there can also be career benefits for…
ABCs of KM
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Implications for researchers [Personality & TKMS series]
Various recommendations for future research and practice can be cited based on the results of this study.
KM in small & medium enterprises (SMEs)
A taxonomy of small and medium enterprise (SME) strategies for using knowledge management systems
A new paper identifies a taxonomy of knowledge management systems (KMSs) used by SMEs, evaluates the intensity of their use,…
ABCs of KM
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Implications for practitioners [Personality & TKMS series]
The results of this study can assist organisations and companies with TKMS research and design and employee hiring decisions.
ABCs of KM
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Results [Personality & TKMS series]
The results indicate that openness and extraversion positively affect the acceptance of TKMSs as they relate to perceived ease of…
ABCs of KM
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Data collection & analysis [Personality & TKMS series]
Data was collected through an internet survey tool, and then entered into the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) for…
ABCs of KM
Personality & technical knowledge management systems research: Research design [Personality & TKMS series]
The study is based on quantitative research methods, and the target population of interest was TKMS users in government, academia,…