global north
In the news
The role of African publishing in the knowledge production ecosystem: Celebrating Mkuki na Nyota, 2 December 2021
Addressing critical debates about what shapes which voices, forms of knowledge, languages, and research topics are published.
Open access to scholarly knowledge
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (chapter 1.2): Scholarly communications and social justice
Scholarly communications rooted in equity and justice rather than colonization and dominance are critical to an open access movement that…
Analysis & counterpoints
Open access to scholarly knowledge in the digital era (section 1): Colonial influences
This section reflects upon issues of global inequality and paints a very different picture to the scene with which those…
ABCs of KM
An example of how knowledge from the Global South can help the COVID-19 response
Many older people live alone, and have health conditions that increase their vulnerability to COVID-19. Knowledge from the Global South…
Brain power
The global South is changing how knowledge is made, shared and used
Europe and North America dominate the global production of knowledge, but this is changing as a process of creating knowledge…
Cultural awareness in KM
You can’t characterize human nature if studies overlook 85 percent of people on Earth
Researchers are realizing that universalizing findings from countries representing less than 15 percent of the world's population might not make…
ABCs of KM
How do we fix the world’s very unequal knowledge – and knowledge management – map?
Where are the majority of knowledge management (KM) research papers produced, and what are the implications of this?
Analysis & counterpoints
The case for indigenous knowledge systems and knowledge sovereignty (part 5): Threats to indigenous knowledge and knowledge sovereignty
The global North stands accused of ‘academic colonialism’, with scholars in the global South forced to submit to the dominant…
Brain power
Global South scholars are missing from European and US journals. What can be done about it
South-based scholars are often not part of major debates and conversations in their field. This points to a severe imbalance…
Self-perpetuating hierarchies and their effects on knowledge flows
Recognising that Global North-South knowledge flows can go both ways breaks down traditional hierarchies that prevent innovative and holistic thinking.