critical thinking
Decolonising knowledge & KM
It will take critical, thorough scrutiny to truly decolonise knowledge
The process of critical scrutiny is essential to the success of the decolonisation of knowledge.
Systems & complexity
Knowledge management and critical thinking: Congress, legislative outcomes and systems thinking
Knowledge management and critical thinking are requisite fundamentals for legislative success.
Brain power
I had an idea in the 1980s and to my surprise, it changed education around the world
Cognitive load theory is concerned with the acquisition of secondary knowledge, and this theory now underpins the method of explicit…
Brain power
How to use critical thinking to spot false climate claims
Most of us lack the expertise to evaluate climate science, but there are ways anyone can spot a badly reasoned…
Brain power
How do you know that what you know is true? That’s epistemology
It's not what you think you know, but how you can justify your knowledge that is most important.
Systems & complexity
Using librarians to conduct systematic reviews
Librarians can provide valuable expertise in uncovering available information and research on a topic, whether fulfilling the role of a specialist…