Brain power
Why it is (almost) impossible to teach creativity
Our contemporary education systematically trashes creativity and unwittingly punishes students for exercising their imagination.
Brain power
How effective are co-working spaces at promoting collaboration?
Do co-working spaces deliver on their promise of making work more creative and more effective?
A practitioner’s reflection on #KMELB2017
Day 1 was a fascinating array of local and international presenters, and the unstructured nature of day 2 allowed the…
Brain power
How structured information can diminish creativity
A hierarchically organized information structure may have a dark side.
Brain power
Why managers should beware getting territorial
A study from researchers at Washington University suggests that being territorial at work can be poison to creativity levels.
Brain power
Research reveals that managers suck at judging new ideas
History is littered with examples of successful innovations that were rejected at the first time of asking. So do leaders…
Brain power
The myth of the mad genius: Mental illness and creativity
Mental illness and creativity, including enhanced performance such as high IQ, have often been linked. But is there really evidence…
In the news
World’s first true “smart drug” enhances cognition
Modafinil (also sold as Provigil) may be the world’s first true smart drug, according to a new systematic review. As…