Brain power
The power of career conversations
When young people have conversations with others about their careers, they have lower levels of career uncertainty and anxiety.
Brain power
Connecting work and education more effectively
Millions are out of work, but there's a shortage of workers. Research reveals a tenuous connection between education and employment.
Brain power
How sharing knowledge can help your career
There’s abundant evidence showing how sharing knowledge benefits organisations. But recent research shows there can also be career benefits for…
Brain power
The impact scandal has on your career
Is there guilt by association when employees enter the market for a new job after a corporate scandal?
Systems & complexity
Applied Understanding: To Degree or Not [Systems thinking & modelling series]
If ever there was a place for strategic thinking, it is in how someone starts, manages, builds, grows, or extends…
Systems & complexity
The network science of career success
What is it that really causes the success of people like Apple cofounder Steve Jobs? In a post on Medium,…