machine learning
Artificial intelligence
The questions that reveal how machines think
Researchers believe that by better understanding what stumps machines, we can better design datasets to train them.
Brain power
Using machine learning to help treat cystic fibrosis
Machine learning technologies have become increasingly adept at making medical predictions.
Artificial intelligence
MIT explore what impact AI will have on work
What can machines actually learn, and what does this mean for jobs?
Tools & methods
The internet is terrible at answering most tough questions. Our ‘wisdom of the crowd’ tool can help
A system that combines human intuition with machine learning provides support for people making complex decisions.
Artificial intelligence
Teaching machines to cooperate
New research highlights how AI can be used to cooperate and compromise rather than compete.
Brain power
What can machines do today?
There has been a growing trend of doomsday scenarios predicting vast numbers of job losses due to technology. But what…
Brain power
MIT spinout aims to make data scientists heroes
A new platform aims to let any lay person upload raw data and then query that data with a simple,…
Artificial intelligence
An introduction to the TensorFlow machine learning system
TensorFlow™ is an open source software library developed for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research.
Artificial intelligence
What’s the difference between artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and deep learning?
Deep learning and machine learning are progressively smaller subsets of artificial intelligence (AI), but have created larger disruptions.
2016's top 100 journal articles
Researchers map human cortex & train machine-learning classifier to assist future studies [2016’s top 100 journal articles]
A recent study has created the most accurate map of the human cortex to date.