Brain power
The importance of coffee in knowledge management
It is the ability to have that conversation, understand the need, and understand the drive.
Systems & complexity
Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.3.5): Broadening dialogues
Implementation should look to build and work with critical voices, rather than avoiding them.
ABCs of KM
Many Voices: an intervention for inclusive knowledge
Many Voices has enabled black African and Caribbean students to be recognized as holding legimate forms of knowledge. This approach…
Because You Need to Know
Because You Need to Know – David Gurteen
The new way we toil and labor; how knowledge management is changing the interplay between society and the on ramp…
Brain power
Managers should encourage time for non-work chats
Managers should embrace and encourage social conversations at work, including role-modelling the importance of getting to know colleagues.
Brain power
How the right people are key to successful brainstorming
A new paper suggests that the best conversations tend to have just the right mix of people in them to…