New platform launches to help academics expand their reach
Originally posted on The Horizons Tracker.
Researchers are increasingly judged by the impact their research has in the wider world, so a recent platform launched by Digital Science should be of interest to the academic community.
The platform, called Peerwith, is a marketplace for services to researchers, many of which are designed to increase the scientific impact of their work. The services include things such as editing and translation, and the platform has over 800 of them at the time of writing.
The Amsterdam based platform also helps researchers find valuable connections in the publishing and societal world. They currently have partnerships with the likes of Brill, the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) and Emerald Publishing.
The funding received from Digital Science will help the platform to scale up and expand into more academic institutions.
Joris van Rossum, co-founder and CEO, Peerwith said:
Academics often have difficulties finding highly skilled individuals in specific areas, regularly relying on intermediaries to connect them. Peerwith’s aim is to change these slow processes making it more affordable, transparent and efficient. With investment from Digital Science, we will be able to achieve our goal of becoming the number one marketplace for author services.
It’s a platform that’s very much in keeping with the mission of Digital Science to support the scientific process in whatever way they can.
“The addition of Peerwith to our portfolio enables the support of more comprehensive solutions for authors and researchers. It is already integrated into the authoring tool provided by another of our portfolio companies, Overleaf and offers an exciting addition to our portfolio of author, publisher and institutional offerings,” they say.
Article source: New platform launches to help academics expand their reach.