Systems & complexity
The need for new leadership in this COVID-era
New research suggests that effective leadership in the face of wicked problems calls for a very different set of virtues…
Systems & complexity
Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.2): When? Building adaptive and emergent responses
In complex problems, a greater burden of the generation and use of knowledge for implementation needs to be shifted to…
Brain power
How improv can help us deal with uncertainty
Improvisation is shown to produce benefits beyond every day, routine social interactions.
Brain power
Misinformation slows our collective response during crises
Effective decision-making is crucial in a crisis, but we’re also often flooded with information and conflicting input.
Systems & complexity
The interplay between knowledge and power
Knowledge and information are not objective, but are contested, politicized, and pluralized. How can we take the political dimension into…
Brain power
In uncertain times it pays to explore
People tend to make a choice between the familiarity of what they know or the relative uncertainty of something new.
Planning and strategy development in the face of complexity
Planning and strategy development in the face of complexity series (part 3): Task 1 – Assess the level of uncertainty
Interventions that face uncertain environments can not rely only on traditional tools for planning and strategy development.