KM & SDGs initiative
Why a multiple knowledges approach is essential to the success of the UN Pact for the Future and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
A diverse array of knowledge must be part of decision-making if the SDGs are to be achieved.
KM & SDGs initiative
MEDIA RELEASE: Ahead of the UN HLPF, leading international knowledge management (KM) organisations call for multiple knowledges in the SDGs
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will fail without a multiple knowledges approach.
ABCs of KM
Video & further reading: What knowledge managers can learn about TKM from outside the KM field
The video from Bruce Boyes' Global Think-Tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management webinar on 17 April 2023 is now available.
Webinar: What knowledge managers can learn about TKM from outside the KM field
17 April, hosted by Global Think-Tank for Organizational Tacit Knowledge Management (GO-TKM).