KM in sustainable development
Community development in disaster-stricken nations through a knowledge management lens
Critical KM factors to consider from my experiences in community development projects with non-profit organisations in disaster-stricken nations.
Arts & culture in KM
Using the “story spine” as a means to access unconscious knowledge and understanding [Arts & culture in KM part 5]
The story spine is a remarkably useful way of using the art of creative writing in knowledge management.
Systems & complexity
How sense-making helped a community reclaim their voice
What if the community assumed total ownership of the project and was responsible for project leadership and design?
2020’s top 100 journal articles
A hypothesis is a liability [Top 100 research & commentary of 2020]
A journal editorial and the correspondence it prompted have relevance to the surfacing of hidden knowledge and patterns in knowledge…
Systems & complexity
Taking responsibility for complexity (section 3.3.6): Sense making for common ground
It is a high priority to ensure that framing and conceptualising a problem is an inclusive, communicative process.