Climate knowledge
It’s too hard to make business decisions in the face of climate uncertainty – here’s how ‘storylines’ could help
It’s important to produce complex, precise climate simulations, but we need to make sure businesses can actually understand and use…
Brain power
3 myths about data you need to understand
What is it that really gives the tech giants such a competitive advantage?
Brain power
Empathy or division? On the science and politics of storytelling
The unique power of story is like a sharp knife. It is neither good nor evil, but can cut both…
ABCs of KM
Critical discourse analysis for policy analysis: a new tool
Critical discourse analysis reveals the inner biases and claims in policy documents. It also involves the identification of new discourses…
Brain power
Why statistics need narrative in order to stick
Telling stories when communicating can make the speaker appear more warm and trustworthy.
Systems & complexity
Models and Truth: Summary [Systems thinking & modelling series]
A predictive model is one for which you have an accurate assessment of the errors of the predictions,, and a…
Systems & complexity
Models and Truth: Prediction, Inference, and Narrative [Systems thinking & modelling series]
It is useful to base our discussions of models on the model’s driving purpose.
The 4 lies of storytelling
On Slate’s podcast The Gist, Matthew Dicks discusses the “four lies of telling true stories”, which he defines as: lies of omission…
On Narrative Persuasion
In this series of tweets, science communication specialist Liz Neeley summarises her remarks on narrative persuasion made at a recent…