ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 11: Storage
To have an effective lesson learned system, you need to make it as easy as possible for others to find…
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 10: Scoping
Poor scoping is often the culprit behind many lessons learned system failures.
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 9: Validation
It's important to know that a lesson is in some sense "correct" and not just someone's opinion.
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 8: The Role of the Knowledge Intermediary in the Lessons Learned Life Cycle
Addressing the challenge of transferring lessons to those who need them most, ensuring that they result in the needed behavior…
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 7: Additional Ways to Capture Lessons
AARs are probably the most well-known method for capturing organizational lessons, but there are also other methods that might work…
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 6: Ten Tips for Facilitating After Action Reviews
Having facilitated quite a few of these during my career, here are some tips I collected to help ensure your…
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 5: Capture Using After Action Reviews
One of the most common methods for capturing lessons is the After Action Review (AAR).
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 4: Capture
To be able to capture lessons, we first need to answer three key questions: who, why, and how.
ABCs of KM
Lessons Learned Part 3: Initiation and Recognition
Lessons can't just spring out of nowhere; there has to be something to initiate them.
ABCs of KM
You can lead a firm to knowledge but you can’t make it think
I looked at organizational learning models from 17 different practitioners and academic researchers, and consolidated them into nine stages of…