knowledge brokers
Because You Need to Know
Because You Need to Know – Katharina Kuhn (Otto)
Knowledge brokers?!? Learning team generosity with Katharina Kuhn (Otto).
ABCs of KM
Knowledge brokering for policy: What do we know?
Huge resources are being invested into knowledge brokering so it is important to know what we mean by it, how it is being applied, and…
ABCs of KM
What works or could work in knowledge brokering to enhance the use of research for inclusive global development?
Bridging the significant gap between the production of innovative, relevant research knowledge, and the actual use of it.
ABCs of KM
The emerging concept of boundary objects in knowledge management
A new study recommends that to get maximum benefit from the power of boundary objects and to strengthen their role,…
KM in sustainable development
Re-assessing the practice of knowledge brokering
A new paper has considered the future of knowledge brokering in international development.
Systems & complexity
Smart cities and knowledge management
What is a "smart city", and what is the role of knowledge management in the development and governance of smart…
Systems & complexity
Knowledge brokers: connecting research and practice
Knowledge brokers can help ensure that research is translated into practical outcomes, and that in turn research priorities and activities…